Code of Ethics
Its code of ethics expresses its ethical commitments and responsibilities in doing business and in the corporate activities taken on by the partners of Alebda catering services.
Alebda Co. aspires to maintain and develop a relationship of trust with its stakeholders, i.e., its shareholders, partners, customers, suppliers and business partners, and all those whose contribution is required to carry out the Alebda Co. mission or who are involved in pursuing it.
This relationship of trust is compromised by unethical behaviour, i.e., the behaviour of anyone who seeks to appropriate the benefits of others' work while exploiting a position of strength.
Compliance with the code of ethics is intended to promote Alebda Co. 's good reputation, an essential resource that promotes investments by shareholders and customer loyalty, attracts better human resources and eases the minds of suppliers and creditors, and, within the company, makes it possible to make and implement decisions without friction and to organise work without bureaucratic controls and excessive exercise of authority.
The code of ethics applies to AlEBDA Co. and is consequently binding on all of AlEBDA Co.'s partners. In addition, AlEBDA Co. requires that all of its subsidiaries, companies in which it holds shares, and main suppliers follow the code's general principals.
» General Priciples
Alebda Co. rejects all discrimination based on age, sex, sexuality, status of health race, national origin, political opinions and religious creed.
As part of their professional activity, Alebda Co. 's partners are required to comply with current law, the code of ethics, and internal regulations. The pursuit of Alebda Co.'s interests never justifies dishonest behaviour.
Situations in which the parties involved have a conflict of interest are always to be avoided, regardless of the activity in question: whether a partner pursues an interest different from the company's mission or gains personally from the company's business opportunity's, or representatives of customers, suppliers or public institutions act in conflict with the fiduciary obligations associated with their position.
Alebda Co. ensures the confidentiality of the information in its possession and refrains from seeking confidential data. Alebda Co. employees may not use confidential information for purposes not associated with their own activity.
Alebda Co. protects and promotes the value of human resources in order to improve and increase this asset and the competitiveness of each employee's know-how.
In its contractual relationships, Alebda Co. works to ensure that authority is exercised properly and equitably, without abuse. Alebda Co. guarantees the physical and moral safety of its employees, working conditions that respect individual dignity, and secure and wholesome work environments.
Alebda Co. employees are required to give complete, transparent, understandable and accurate information so that stakeholders are able to make independent and informed decisions.
Alebda Co. conduct is inspired by criteria of attention to the community's objective needs and availability and courtesy towards the community, so as to improve the quality of service offered.
For its personnel, Alebda Co. is committed to guaranteeing a wholesome and secure work environment; it ensures all citizens of its respect for nature and the ecosystem, in particular by carrying out its work without impacting the environment, and by encouraging care and respect for the environment by all, especially by its own personnel.
» Behavioural Criteria
Stakeholder information is handled by Alebda Co. in full compliance with the confidentiality and privacy rights of the interested parties.
The company allows no form of gift-giving that might be interpreted as surpassing normal business practices and common courtesy, or in any case aimed at gaining favourable treatment in conducing any activities associated with Alebda Co.. In particular, any form of gift-giving that might influence independent judgement or ensure any advantage is prohibited.
In any case, Alebda Co. refrains from practices not allowed by law, by business practice, or by the codes of ethics of the firms with which it has relations.
Alebda Co. communications are marked by respect for the right to information: in no case is it permitted to give false or prejudiced information or comments.
Potential new personnel are evaluated based on matching candidate profiles with the company's needs, while providing equal opportunities for all. The personnel office takes appropriate measures to avoid favouritism, nepotism or patronage during selection and hiring.
Personnel are hired with standard job contracts. No form of irregular or "under the table" work is tolerated.
Managers utilise and take full advantage of the professional skills present in their departments, promoting the growth and development of their employees. Alebda Co. is committed to spreading and strengthening a safety ethic by developing risk awareness and promoting responsible behaviour among its employees; in addition, it takes preventive measures to ensure worker health and safety and the interests of its stakeholders.
Alebda Co. is pledged not to discriminate arbitrarily against its customers.
Alebda Co. always works to respond to suggestions and complaints from customers and consumer-protection associations, through appropriate and prompt communication systems.
Purchasing processes are marked by a search for the greatest competitive advantage for Alebda Co., equal opportunity for all suppliers, loyalty and impartiality.
Relations with suppliers are governed by common principles for the entire Group and are constantly monitored by Alebda Co.
A contract with a supplier must always be based on extremely clear relationships, avoiding whenever possible any form of dependency.
Alebda Co. does not contribute financially to political parties in Libya or abroad, nor does it sponsor conferences or parties for purposes of political propaganda. It refrains from any direct or indirect pressure on politicians. Alebda Co. does not contribute to organisations with which a conflict of interest might arise.
Alebda Co. may accept requests for contributions only if the proposals come from non-profit agencies or associations offering significant cultural benefit, are nationwide in scope, or involve a large number of citizens.
Alebda Co. fully and scrupulously complies with antitrust rules and with market regulatory authorities.
» Implementation
The code of ethics is implemented and monitored by the audit managers of Alebda Co., who are responsible for: checking on the code's application and compliance with it, ascertaining and promoting a constant ethical improvement within the Alebda Co. companies, spreading awareness and understanding of the code of ethics, collecting and analysing reports of ethics-code violations, and proposing modifications and amendments to the code of ethoics.
In order to ensure that all of the Alebda Co. employees and partners understand the code of ethics, the personnel office sets up an annual training plan aimed at promoting awareness of ethic principles and standards.
Alebda Co. audit department reports violations of the code of ethics; the responsible company departments determine measures to be taken, see that they are implemented, and report the results to the head of Alebda Co. audit department.
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